So, I was playing a game of Hearts yesterday…..

And I kept losing — or coming in third.  Abysmal!

And then I realized that I kept trying to do my same strategy over and over and over – but make it better THIS time! I  started to try new approaches and started to get different results!

THEN I realized that I am just about to do my sales strategy for this year the same way that I’ve done it OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Mind you, my results from the past are pretty great. But, they’re SO predictable and I haven’t had a real BREAKTHROUGH in a good long time.

So, I got to thinking, what if I mixed it up a little this year. Instead of my “plodding along (albeit bread-and-butter) strategy”, what if I tried something a little more outrageous? WHAT IF I started to read about people who REALLY pushed the limits and tried something a little bolder a couple of times a week?

I don’t know about you, but THAT got the juices flowing!

So, here’s to you in 2012. If you keep doing the same stuff, you’ll keep getting the same results. Even if they’re GOOD results, aren’t you in the least bit CURIOUS?????

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ‘em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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