You want to be a success in sales?
There is absolutely NO WAY around having a plan.
Your plan does not have to be perfect. In fact, if you wait for it to be perfect, you will miss wild opportunities.
But, make one.
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Here’s the Irreverence: If your plan doesn’t completely light you up – and you feel clear you can’t achieve it – DUMP IT! It isn’t yours. It’s someone else’s idea for you.
Now, back to our regular programming:
I’ve heard that you will over-estimate what you can do in one year. And you will UNDER-estimate what you can do in 10 years.
So, I invite you to take a look. What do you want your life to look like in 5 years? 10 years? Write that down. In simple sentences. Is it big enough?
Now look. Are you actively doing things today that pave the way for that success?
Take a minute and write down what your ideal year would look like – inside of the context of your ideal 10 year vision. This does not need to be hard or take a lot of time. Is it digestible enough (like you can see yourself doing it)?
I hate to tell you this, but the people who are reliably and wildly successful all say the same thing: Plan your Work, and Work your Plan.
Do you have the gumption to discipline yourself to this kind of activity? Most don’t.
You do. Here’s how.
Just take ONE simple practice that you can influence for a defined amount of time. A practice that will change something you care about. (Example: I will work out EVERY SINGLE DINGLE DAY for the next 45 days to make sure I look hot in my bathing suit during vacation.)
Then, do that.
You will gain confidence.
Now, try something else. Write it down. Do it.
You will start to get the hang of it – and you will learn that you can move mountains! And have fun doing it. Your deepest desires are there because you WANT to achieve them and will have FUN doing it.
There are tons of tools out there to help you make a solid plan:
I recommend: http://www.dancing-elephants.com/ – check out their Simple Strategic Plan – a one-page way to manage your goals.
Love your life UP! (And it will return the favor).
The Irreverent Sales Girl