Tag Archives: hiring sales

Do you KNOW who you REALLY are?

I can’t help myself. Jim Keenan wrote the most brilliant article on Forbes.com about finding the perfect sales person.Jim-Keenan-300x300

I think you will love it!

Bottom line: “Who cares about what people have done? The only thing we should be focusing on is: Can they do what we need them to do? What we need to get done?”

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If you can answer that, then YOU are the killer candidate!

Read his more-than-awesome-post here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jimkeenan/2014/09/02/why-youre-missing-out-on-the-best-sales-people/

And then, remember who you REALLY are, get ahold of Jim Keenan, and CRUSH IT!

Love yourself UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl